## Introduction Before you delve further into the setting here is some information you might want to know: - Watch out for warnings in the beginning of the pages, a lot of the content here is unfinished, not playtested, outdated or just isn't canon yet because I am not sure if it will work out. See [[Sample Warnings|sample warnings]]. - On this wiki there are some terms that are used with a different meaning, here's the list of them: - Human is used to refer to an individual of any race e.g. elf, gnome, etc. - Most information here is cross-linked, but there might be some broken links. This is fine since not all the information I drafted is published here yet. - Some links also might not make sense because they were renamed, if you see any - [[Contact Me|contact me]]. - If you are not looking for something specific take a look at [[Getting Started|getting started]] page, it gives you some basic understanding about the world while referencing other materials. - Remember that all the stuff here are notes! Some of them might be unfinished, empty and all that stuff. There might also be ## Useful Links - [[Licensing]] - [[Credits]] - [[Contact Me]]